Rick / / Owner
Probably the person replying to your emails. Designs, packages and posts everything. Skater, surfer & purple belt in BJJ, videos everything.

Lottie / / Secret Weapon
Designer, Decision Maker, Steerer of the ship. We'd be well off course without her.

Dan / / Enforcer
Alpinist, adventurer, reaper from day 1. Rumour has it they nearly renamed the Kimura the 'big dan' after him.

Pie / / Hangman
Supporter from day 1. Leglocks, warcraft & comic books. Holds it together when your elbow explodes and you need driving to the hospital.

Doug / / Head of mischief
6-1 pro MMA fighter. Good wrestling, bad knees. If you take him to a restaurant he will throw the naan breads across the room. Somehow also works for Mi6.

Tom / / Photographer
Candid camera skills like no other, throw any ridiculous idea at him and he'll have a go. Tough roll for a bluebelt.

Scarlett / / Athlete
Our latest addition to the roster, Scarlett is shredding every Jiu Jitsu competition she can. No days off from training, which is clearly paying off.

Stephen Ellis
Polaris Standout, Black belt slayer and all round legend of a human being. Couldn't not have him on the roster.

Curtis / / Collaborator
Friend of Reap. Amazing tattoo artist. Sometimes designs stuff for us, more commonly found playing through Dark Souls 3.