What is an Open Mat in BJJ?

Traditionally a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu open mat is an event where anyone from any gym can come and roll, share BJJ techniques & ideas with other Jiu Jitsu players and hang out in a more relaxed environment than a class. 

There are often charges to cover maintenance of the mats, but this is usually cheaper than a class, seminar or regular drop in fee. 

We've been to plenty of these all around the world in our Jiu Jitsu travels, so we thought we'd begin to put on our own. 

With a twist. 

Reap open mats feature an hour of technique from a guest BJJ coach at the start, again, much more relaxed than a typical seminar. It's a nice way to break the ice and also get warmed up. Often at open mats people slap hands, start rolling and get injured.

At least with some technique to start you have some mobility, and a chance to focus your techniques as well as have a bit of a chat with people before trying to murder each other. Then afterwards you can discuss the technique used too, and solidify some friendships.

We make sure there's plenty of time for rolling still, and fresh tunes playing throughout.

We also capture some media for you to use across your social channels, or just as a keepsake. It's our way of saying thanks for coming down, plus, we try to have exclusive new gear there for our loyal members to pick up first.

Our next event is this Sunday (8th Jan, 2023) but keep an eye out for all future stuff across our socials!


Reap x

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